Kanker merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
yang sudah tak asing lagi ditelinga. Berbagai jenis kasus baru ditemukan, namun
jenis kasus Kanker manakah yang paling tinggi prevalensinya, khususnya di
kalangan perempuan? Dan bagaimanakah cara untuk mencegahnya? Belakangan
ini mulai marak terdengar berita-berita mengenai kenker serviks. Apakah
sebenarnya kanker serviks? Seberapa seringkah kanker serviks terjadi pada
perempuan Indonesia?
Kanker serviks (cervical cancer) adalah kanker yang terjadi pada area
leher rahim atau serviks. Serviks merupakan bagian rahim yang berhubungan
dengan vagina. Kanker serviks merupakan kanker nomor dua yang paling
sering menyerang perempuan di seluruh dunia. Dan juga merupakan kanker kedua
yang paling sering menyebabkan kematian. Di Indonesia sendiri, diperkirakan
setiap harinya terjadi 41 kasus baru kenker serviks dan 20 perempuan meninggal
dunia karena penyakit tersebut. Tingginya angka ini biasanya disebabkan oleh
rendahnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran akan bahaya kanker serviks.
Kanker serviks cenderung muncul pada perempuan
berusia 35-55 tahun, namun dapat pula muncul pada perempuan dengan usia yang lebih
muda. Penyebab dari kanker ini adalah virus yang dikenal sebagai Human
papilloma virus (HPV), yaitu sejenis virus yang menyerang manusia.
Terdapat 100 tipe HPV di mana sebagian besar tidak bahaya, tidak menimbulkan
gejala yang terlihat dan akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Infeksi HPV paling sering
terjadi pada kalangan dewasa muda (18-28 tahun). Perkembangan HPV ke arah
kanker serviks pada infeksi pertama tergantung dari jenis HPV-nya. HPV tipe
rendah atau tinggi dapat menyebabkan kelainan yang disebut pra kanker. Tipe HPV
yang berisiko rendah hampir tidak berisiko, tapi dapat menimbulkan genital
warts (penyakit kutil kelamin). Walaupun sebagian besar infeksi HPV akan
sembuh dengan sendirinya dalam 1-2 tahun karena adanya system kekebalan tubuh
alami, namun infeksi yang menetap yang disebabkan oleh HPV tipe tinggi dapat
mengarah pada kenker serviks. Dan dapat berkembang tanpa terkontrol dan dapat
menjadi tumor.
Gejala kanker serviks pada kondisi pra-kanker
ditandai dengan ditemukannya sel-sel abnormal di bagian bawah serviks yang
dapat dideteksi melalui tes Pap Smear, atau yang baru-baru ini disosialisasikan
yaitu dengan Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat. Sering kali kanker serviks
tidak menimbulkan gejala. Namun bila sudah berkembang menjadi kanker serviks,
barulah muncul gejala-gejala seperti pendarahan serta keputihan pada
vagina yang tidak normal, sakit saat buang air kecil dan rasa sakit saat
berhubungan seksual. HPV dapat menginfeksi semua orang karena HPV dapat
menyebar melalui hubungan seksual. Wanita yang berhubungan seksual dibawah usia
20 tahun serta sering berganti pasangan beresiko tinggi terkena infeksi. Namun
hal ini tak menutup kemungkinan akan terjadi pada wanita yang telah setia pada
satu pasangan saja.
Saat ini kanker serviks dapat dicegah dengan
pemberian vaksin HPV. Langkah ini dapat membantu memberikan perlindungan
terhadap beberapa tipe HPV yang dapat menyebabkan masalah dan komplikasi
seperti kanker serviks dan genital warts. Vaksin ini sebaiknya diberikan pada
perempuan muda sedini mungkin, karena tingkat imunisasi tubuh serta pertumbuhan
dan reproduksi sel di area serviks masih sangat baik. Vaksinasi merupakan
metode deteksi dini sebagai upaya mencegah kanker serviks. Melalui vaksinasi semakin besar kesempatan
disembuhkannya penyakit ini dan semakin besar kemungkinan untuk menekan angka
kasus kanker serviks yang mengancam kaum perempuan. Untuk itu, segera hubungi
dokter anda untuk membantu pencegahan kanker serviks. Ayo bantu cegah kanker
serviks sekarang!
When I fall, I get Up. When I fall again, I try to get up more. Then I fall again, turn to nowhere, once again, I try to get up, no mater what it takes...
Enjoy Your Visit
This just an ordinary page, but sometimes the ordinary may be is the extra ordinary one. So, share your pleasant to be here...

Just like football, we are always focusing in chasing our goal, no matter what will we face, just go forward, go straight reaching our goals, reaching our future. Every step we make, will lead us to our goal gate, and finally we reach our dream.
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
My Sweet Memories
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010
Your body’s warm
But you are not
You give a little
Not a lot
You coup your love
Until we kiss
You’re all I want
But not like this
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here
It’s only your shadow
Never yourself
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Filling the room
Arriving too late
And leaving too soon
And leaving too soon
Your body gives
But then holds back
The sun is bright
The sky is black
Can only be another sign
I cannot keep what isn’t mine
Your laughter it lingers on
But you, you were almost gone
How can I tell if you mean what you say
You say it so loud, but you sound far away
Maybe I had just a glimpse of your soul
Or was that your shadow I saw on the wall
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here
But you are not
You give a little
Not a lot
You coup your love
Until we kiss
You’re all I want
But not like this
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here
It’s only your shadow
Never yourself
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Filling the room
Arriving too late
And leaving too soon
And leaving too soon
Your body gives
But then holds back
The sun is bright
The sky is black
Can only be another sign
I cannot keep what isn’t mine
Your laughter it lingers on
But you, you were almost gone
How can I tell if you mean what you say
You say it so loud, but you sound far away
Maybe I had just a glimpse of your soul
Or was that your shadow I saw on the wall
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010
Just One Wish For Now
God, please send them your gift
Please send them your best bless
Send them many happiness
In their broken roof
Let them live freely
Let them breath fresh air
Let them out of their dark
Let them find their light
Give back what have lost
I never felt so this big worries before
I am so scare of it
I wish I could change this
I wish I could change this better
Just Only One Wish For Now
Please make it real and true...
Please send them your best bless
Send them many happiness
In their broken roof
Let them live freely
Let them breath fresh air
Let them out of their dark
Let them find their light
Give back what have lost
I never felt so this big worries before
I am so scare of it
I wish I could change this
I wish I could change this better
Just Only One Wish For Now
Please make it real and true...
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
This Is Not What I Trully Want
The sun seems don't want to rise
It is covered by the dark
The numb black dark cloud
The dark just stand still
Ignoring what is inside
The deep feeling inside
The broken inside
No one cares
No one understands
Just the blame
Just the blame that come over
The moon can not see the sun hides too far
Hides in his pain, hide in his sorrow
We all want to see your shine
Don't let this moon crying anymore
It is covered by the dark
The numb black dark cloud
The dark just stand still
Ignoring what is inside
The deep feeling inside
The broken inside
No one cares
No one understands
Just the blame
Just the blame that come over
The moon can not see the sun hides too far
Hides in his pain, hide in his sorrow
We all want to see your shine
Don't let this moon crying anymore
Kamis, 04 Maret 2010
Which Road??
Finally i come to this, to this situation. The situation in which exploring my brain, mind, and heart. I have thought it so many times, I think it again and again, but I have not found yet the best and the right way for it. My wall is trembling down, my heart is breaking down, my mind is spinning around. There is a crossroad, a big wide crossroad, but I don't know which way I should take, which way I should choose, I have no idea of it. Want to find some helps, but I could not do it. I don't think that they will understand, and i am sure they will not see as what I see, they will not feel as what I feel. Just doing some writings that makes it less. At least, lightening my burden. I want to enjoy my life, in harmony, in peace, but when i got stuck of it, I could do nothing. But I want to move on, trying hard to move on ... losing what's weighting on my mind.
Bad leads us to be good, experience leads us to be better, mistake leads us to be best, and problem makes us to be strong. I hope the strong and the tough come to me. They say it...
Bad leads us to be good, experience leads us to be better, mistake leads us to be best, and problem makes us to be strong. I hope the strong and the tough come to me. They say it...
Understand All
I am facing for a difficult case now, i lost control of it. I dont know what to say more, i just dont know what should i say more. I just want everything goes on its way. I just want it. Not more. But it seems too hard to get that. I got no place to hide, i got no safe place. This mind breaks me, this mind disturbs me. It is hard to say when the mind and the heart do not walk on the same way. The mind fights with the heart. But i am not waiting one of them to be the winner. I am waiting the wise of the mind to follow the heart, or the wise of the heart to follow the mind. It is very hard to mix it. My mind goes right my heart goes left. I am living in a doubt, no fix path now.
It is not about that i dont accept the facts, i just have not ready enough for this. Am i asking too much??
It is not about that i dont accept the facts, i just have not ready enough for this. Am i asking too much??
Senin, 01 Maret 2010
Well done, i just never thought what i guessed was so much different with the fact. And I think the luck was with me at that time. Now, I am so release, relief, from what have disturbed my days. Eventhough there are so many things still weighting my mind, but it is ok now, a little bit ok. Learning from the mistakes, start healing the wound, and i am on the way making. No big hope, but I still hope, even when it gets worst, but at least i have my effort, intention to make it clear, evethough i know that it is very hard to go back normal just like it used to be, but I have my smiles and spirits. My past takes me here, and I welcome it ...Star still twinkling, Sun still shining.
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