Enjoy Your Visit

This just an ordinary page, but sometimes the ordinary may be is the extra ordinary one. So, share your pleasant to be here...

Just like football, we are always focusing in chasing our goal, no matter what will we face, just go forward, go straight reaching our goals, reaching our future. Every step we make, will lead us to our goal gate, and finally we reach our dream.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

This is me at this moment
This is me at this time
Look mess, having nowhere to go
Just like vagrant
No home, no people to care about
But still moving forward
Searching for something
Something that I even don't know exactly
Still thinking to find what i am looking for true
Though I don't know what I am going to be for tomorrow
Though I don't know what I am going to be for the next many days, next many years
Many don't have their eyes on me
They just see like I am just a yesterday child
Who knows nothing
Who deserves nothing
They just don't see me
They just don't understand, though I don't want them to see me
They come only when they need me..

2 komentar:

  1. ur right
    they don't know who am i tomorrow..
    they only look down us now....
    but, they never thought about us later...
